Some Questions for a Fieldfare

Photo by Semen Borisov on Unsplash

Photo by Semen Borisov on Unsplash

Welcome friend. Did you come

alone or have you been with us all along?

When you paused at winter’s end, did you decide

to hang around? Was there a vibration in the trees, a whisper

on the wind, a promise of warmth to come?


Or are you one of those who trust in the old ways

and follow ancient routes to lands where

your grandmother’s grandmother laid her eggs? What’s it like

over there? Is the air pure? Are the neighbours kind? Does the soil

throb with life? I bet that’s where the bairns stand

the best chance. I’d love to visit.


Whatever, it’s good to see you and I’m sorry I don’t

understand why you would choose this land and us,

but I want you to know you make me feel alive. Do

you think I should go away to come back? Would things

look better then?


I’ve some miles left in my legs, though I’ll not go as far

as the breeding grounds.

Perhaps I’ll fly north, or south, when courage allows.


A Life


Company Town